Mar 15, 2005 14:54
"Thats right Grammy. Double digits now."
That was a line I said one day when I was talking to my Grammy. The date was March 24th, 1995. 10 years ago. Obviously, I was saying that because It was my 10th birthday.
But that was 10 years ago.
Today the date is March 15th, 2005. A decade later, and 9 days short of a decade older.
Typing those words and seeing them in front of me is even scarier than hearing them. I'm going to be two decades old in a mere week.
Just what happened? Where did the time go? I don't even REMEMBER much of the past decade. And thats not fair. I mean If I'm 10 years older but I don't even remember anything that happened in those past 10 years, why should we even have to get older?
I guess I'm finally noticing that inevitable and very real process known as time.
We all know of mid-life crises, but is there such a thing as a quarter-life crisis? I think there is cuz I MIGHT be having one.
Of course in reality, I still have 9 official days until then. 9 days left of being a teen-ager....
But then what am I? A young-adult? A young-man? A strapping young-devil?
Or just another dumb kid who can't deal with reality?