an update

Mar 05, 2009 12:53

Tuesday I was driving to my moms house when a sharp pain shot from my left shoulder through my chest then settled back to my left shoulder. Since then my left shoulder has been hurting a lot. When I got home later that afternoon I asked Joe's mom ( a physical therapist assistant) to help me.
Upon a quick examination she said I had a really bad spasm and that there seemed to be a lot of inflamation. So she massaged and I grinded my teeth to nots how how much it hurt. I usually pride myself in NOT being a weenie with pain.

I iced and tylenoled and kept my posture good. But it's Thursday and I'm still in a shit load of pain. It's annoying. I can't sleep because of it. Laura was a saint last night and did some massage therapy on me. I was so grateful I would have kissed her feet if she had asked me.

Luckily she didn't and Laura, Joe and myself sat up till 3:0am watching the Animatrix. She stayed over and in the morning I paid her back by  making her breakfast.

I haven't gone to Karate since Saturday. I can barely put my coat on let alone work on my Bostaff katas or even throw a punch.

Cat babysat for mom today and I came over to give mom her presents. Naturally I was super happy to see my KK. I picked him up and helped put him in the car seat but now im regretting that. Freaking shoulder.

I'm job hunting still FYI.
No luck so far.
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