Dec 30, 2005 16:44
Here's to hoping hubby gets out before i do so i can make him responsible for dinner :D
I didnt exercise Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday cause i had to work all three nights. What bull! LOL i felt like a heifer... but! Last night, i did my workout like a good girl, and man, did it feel awesome. LOL. I also made the spiciest chili ever. OMG it made my lips burn and nose run- delicious!
Recently, I have been practicing my yoga with a determination to use it to feel more open, more loving to everyone. I have this whole hating people thing i'd like to try and get over. Hubby wrote me this morning and mentioned helping each other reach our goals for 2k6. I say- bring it on. I want a house, wanna do better at Japanese, and try to get a job doing something i like for a change.
He wants to start a web cartoon. We all that know him know he would excel at this endeavor, and i want all of you to encourage him. :D
I would like to believe karma exists out there somewhere, and all the things i do will return to me in ways i might not have imagined. While driving, I will let someone in that i shouldn't today.
Diet- not supurb, cookies and cakes leftover are still lurking about, threatening me, but, cest la vie.
I feel so lucky to know that my friends feel comfortable with me. I love to be the ear they need. Happy New Year, you guys, i wish you all the best in 06'- <3