Heroes Episode 1.21 "The Hard Part"

May 08, 2007 22:31

Last night's new episode was enjoyable. It wasn't one of the greatest ones ever, though, as this was a SET-UP episode, through and through.

Mr. Bennet - Continued to be awesome, even though he was in only two brief scenes. I reallllly, reallllly hope he makes it to season 2. I was glad Claire and her father got reunited. I saw in an interview with Hayden in which she talked about how her dad was the most important thing to her character. So it's definitely a happy thing that they got reunited!

Claire - Awesomesauce as usual, although this wasn't a particularly remarkable episode for her? I did like her smile when Peter looked at her, and just, the bond between them, uncle and niece. I really do love their relationship. Claire having to put down Peter is certainly a scary thought. Peter's dreams about the exposion have included her rushing up to him (in her cheerleader outfit) saying "I'm sorry." I definitely wonder what will happen in the finale. For a bit I speculated that Claire would simply become unable to pull the trigger, and that's why she'd say "I'm sorry," but I really can't imagine that being a narratively satisfying ending for her season 1 arc? Well, I really don't know.

D.L. - Him phasing Jessica through those walls was about the only cool thing he did. He's stepping up to man up, but he's still annoying, and his crackpot theories about Linderman experimenting on them are very MEH to me.

Hiro - YEAH, HIRO.  I loved Hiro in this. I loved that he couldn't go through with killing Sylar. I loved that he practically cried when Sylar broke his sword. I loved that he was human and real in this and not Mr. Tough Guy. HIRO IS PRETTY MUCH ALWAYS GRATE.

Matt - He was there, and didn't really do anything aside from trying to call his wife.

Nathan - He was cool, as usual. This episode was more set-up for him, obviously, more than anything else. Lately I've been imagining that he ends up siding with Linderman's evil scheme, and then redeeming himself by flying Peter out of the city just as he's about to explode.

Peter - Peter's definitely manning up, more like the future!Peter we saw in the last episode. I liked his relationship with his niece, mostly. YOU KNOW, HE SHOULD REALLY JUST TRY FLYING HE AND TED OUT OF THE CITY. And if he was aware of the fact that he had that power of Hiro's, he could teleport them out of the city. Easy.

Micah - This episode is the second time I remembering hearing the Micah leitmotif. Candace was awesome with the whole Mastermind powers thing going on. I loved the visual illusions she created of the same room being duplicated over and over. Candace is growing on me, and I hope Sylar doesn't steal her powers.

Jessica - Ugh. WHY AREN'T YOU DEAD YET? Oh well, at least she didn't take up too much of the screentime. Heh, when she was in the room with Linderman's art collection, I think I paid more attention to the Corinthian vase that showed up in one scene.

Mohinder - YES. YOU ARE NO LONGER A WIMP. You are the braver, smarter Mohinder like the one we saw in the future.

Molly Walker - ADORABLE. I lurved her! *Huggles* I HOPE THE LITTLE DRAWING OF THE STAR SHE GAVE TO MOHINDER WORKS AGAINST THE BOOGY-MAN, HEE HEE. Also, I wonder what Parkman and Bennet will do when they find out what the "Walker tracking system" really is.

Sylar - I liked Sylar in this episode. One friend felt that they had taken more time with "Sympathetic Sylar," and that his temporary change of heart seemed abrupt. However, it didn't really strike me as a change of heart. It was consistent with his psychosis. Even when he was expressing his remorse, he was being abnormal about it (being his usual creepy self) and it was all self-described as part of his motivational delusions (particularly the comment about the "normals" not deserving to die).

Anyway, his creepiness was good. The snowglobe scene was bizzare but definitely creepytastic. And then as he fingerpaints a picture of the explosion with his mom's blood (yikes) . . . we realize that NOW HE WILL TOTALLY BE THE PRESIDENT. Now he can become the supervillain we all want him to be, and not the dorky, dweeby, boring little serial killer he was when we first really met him.

heroes, hayden my celebrity girlfriend

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