We all know that everybody seems to tell everybody how to enjoy their movies/books/games/competitive disco crochet. One of the most annoying manifestations of this phenomenon takes place inside of that behemoth of a MMORPG, WoW! What people always seem to miss is that it's (1) a game, and that (2) people enjoy their games in completely different
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ZANGARMARSH IS THE PRETTIEST ZONE EVER. Also haha I have the opposite thing for the same reasons with logging out. Milly always logs out in inns in the most private place I can find because that is just the kind of person she is!
I COLLECT BOTH VANITY PETS AND MOUNTS TOO. But haha not as impressively as you! I decided that I didn't necessarily want to do it to try for the achievements or whatever because if I focus too much on that sort of thing it stresses me out. So Milly just kind of has a weakness for vanity pets and keeps a STABLE of mounts in different colors and whatnot.
I WANT TO MAKE MY FLYING CARPET SO BAD OMG. BUT I DON'T HAVE THE STUPID GEMS AND IT IS DRIVING ME NUTS. I only have ONE and I need FOUR and I keep being too cheap to buy them OVERPRICED on the AH. Maybe I should check back hahaha. Since I haven't played in like three months.
This post reminded me of all the ways I have fun in WoW and how much I just enjoy the game. And yes I have to agree with commenter above me.
At one point my brother and I actually made a bank guild called This Is Not My Job.
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