(Avatar fans, I haven't forgotten about you. In fact, I talk about the Avatar finale for like an entire paragraph in here!)
So, if you didn't know, Canada got season 2 of Spectacular Spider-Man before we did. (Deja vu, Avatar fans?) Sony took its darn tootin' time in getting the episodes off to another network, but they'll finally land on the new,
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Also, a lot of fans who complain about spiritbending aren't looking it from all angles. They only see "Aang gets what he wants", but they don't consider Ozai.
Ozai would've LOVED a proud warrior's death. Not as much as ruling the world, but if he died with his bending he'd still be considered a hero to some. But instead, he was kept alive and had his power taken away by a TEENAGER. And imprisoned. Plus, Zuko got to confront him except that didn't work out so well because they left an important question as a cliffhanger argh. D:
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