My Dream Last Night: In Which Mai's Uncle Is Still Awesome

Jul 31, 2008 21:30

My dreams typically have one of three plots. Plot #3 is "Villain's forces slowly infiltrate and then suddenly take over and blow everything up and then I can't stop the villain but I rescue all the captured civilians anyway."

Last night was one of those dreams. Azula was involved, but I don't remember if she was the archvillain or not.

So, I was in one of my space dreamworlds, annnnd, well:

A mazey ice skating rink hovered over a planet. The planet circled a blue star, and on the other side of the star was a black hole. A river of blue fire streamed from the star to the black hole.

On the edge of the ice rink, Iroh sat happily, sipping a cup of tea and watching everyone skate. Zuko and Mai were adorably skating arm in arm, their cheeks red from the cold. And then Katara and Aang were getting all googly eyed at each other, because they were still in the "heeeheheee I looooove youuuuu" early stage (though one suspects that they would NEVAR leave this stage?!) as they held each other tightly, spinning on the ice. Maiuncle deeply approved of this, and proclaimed his enthusiasm for how great the Avatar and his water tribe girlfriend were. Mai smiled at him, but Zuko was terribly annoyed at this because he knew that Maiuncle was only doing it because he was still holding a bit of a grudge at Zuko.

Haha also while I'm at it, I had another dream a couple months ago where Zuko and Mai were getting married, which annoyed Mai's uncle to no end. (Though Mai's parents were obviously thrilled, because hey, she's marrying the Fire Lord.) So Maiuncle interrupted during the reception to call Mai over and initate a series of flashbacks. And believe me, Zuko was so annoyed at the FLASHBACKS interrupting his Mai-time. While I don't recall all the specifics, I do remember that the flashbacks involved Mai bonding with Maiuncle as she grew up, and that it was ridiculously adorable.

(Annnnnnnd while I'm at it, my absolute FAVORITE Mai/Zuko dream was when they were standing back-to-back on a hillock fighting off a giant army of Fire Nation soldiers and LotR orcs while I assisted them from the air with my weather powers. YES I DREAM ABOUT MAIKO. SHUT UP!)

Anyway, so Zuko was spazzing (and so obviously LOSING HIS BALANCE ON THE ICE) about Maiuncle to Mai's amusement (and to Katara and Aang's obliviousness), WHEN SUDDENLY THERE WAS A BOOM.

I'd been nervous about the impending villainous doom that no one seemed to notice, but I hadn't anticipated THIS. The villain group's final secret twiiiiiiist was unveiled: A GIANT MOON SIZED VENOM SYMBIOTE. The venom symbiote had seeped in unnoticed in pieces throughout the planet-space and some farther reaches of the star system, and now it was streaming in at high speeds, forming one giant moon-sized ball.

And it was bringing the black hole with it.

The star convulsed in giant flares of blue light. The planet was splintering and so was the ice rink, and pieces of symbiote blasted and oozed in from the starry cosmos. Everything would be devoured by Venom and then they would be obliterated in the event horizon. SO I DID MY USUAL THING and flew around, using my Storm-powers to save people fom the collapsing world. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Aang and Katara escaping via airbending power. Meanwhile, Zuko and Mai didn't fare so well at first, but then Zuko's RAR DETERMINATION emerged and he channeled the uh I'm not sure what but I guess the venom-comet (?) and used the rocket-feet firebending to carry Mai away. Meanwhile I was dodging bits of venom symbiote, fearing that it could attach to me (ESPECIALLY since I've acquired Spider-Man's powers in the past couple of months, in addition to my long standing Ororo powers).

I then thought to myself how stupid Venom was for trying to manipulate a black hole.

Blackness and doom engulfed the star system, and then I woke up.


And wow that was kind of embarassing sharing how crazy my dreams are.


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