May 22, 2006 13:02
I am muche pleased to find my gloomy skies returned to my fair shire. As I were listening astutely to thee rain drops pelting the ground, each drop seemed as if it were dropping in time with the tears of my own forlorning.
Now, it would seem I need a firmer plan of Actionne in procuring my own Fortress of Forlorning. My Dreade Lair of Alchemic Doome is ill-suited for use in my autocarriage, so that idea for temporary lodgings is rendered useless. Not to mention, the acoustics are wretched for calling to thee Aethers (though I contend they are excellent when singing along with that hillbilly wraith Dolly Parton's "9 to 5").
I admit, there hath been much derision in the House Van Loerner. Flemish blood boils at low temperatures. You know the olde saying, "Tread not idly or lightly in the path of a Flemming".
Doubt ye notte, there shall be much Forlorning to come for many a long time!