May 25, 2005 11:50
So its been awhile....
Work was going fairly well, cruising right along, put in 137.5 paid hours, the unpaid hours from last time being lunch and breaks etc, between May 3rd-18th. And then it happened. It of course being my accident. I was washing a tractor with a pressure washer.... although I guess I should explain how the tractor got dirty, since it is a funny story.
When spreading manure there are two vehicles you use at the tank, one is a pumper truck which sucks up the manure from the tank, 10 ft deep by 40ft across usually, and pumps it out to the tractor that is spreading on the field, sometimes with as much as 2km worth of hose between them. The second vehicle being an agitator which 'keeps all the solids suspended'. Anyway there are ultiple tanks which need to be pumped, so the setup is being moved every couple of days. One time while disassembling the setup, one of the hydraulic lines got caught and snapped. My boss assured me that it was no problem becasue it was the hydraulic line to 'Open the Discharge Tube, which no one in their right mind would do. The discharge tube is an opening at the top of the agitator that points straight up, when you open said discharge tube it sprays manure straight into the air. Anyway, I took my boss at his word, finished paking eveything up and drove the trator and agitator to the next barn. Put the agitator in the new tank, turn on the PTO, and witness manure start to spray up into the air, with some quick thinking I kill the tractor and start running for my life. The bright side is the trator had a half roof, so I only got the back of my head, back and one leg soaked in manure. And that my friends is how the tractor got dirty.
Anyway, I was cleaning the tractor off with a pressure washer, 3000 PSI and hot water. Slipped in the mud, and the noxxle slipped out of my hands. It came back at me, and I ended up taking two layers of skin of my right palm, and first degree burns on my left elbow. I've been off work since 3pm last Wed, and will be off until at least Mon while I heal. It makes if kind of hard to type anything, and writing is just out of the question.
They took my truck away while I'm off work though, which is a disappointment. So I sit around all day reading or watching TV, or playing FFIII. No cable out here so I'm missing the Champions League Final, Karen better tape it for JAmes, so I can at least catch some of it.
Saw Star Wars III a few days ago, better then the first two, but not as good as the originals, and that scene with Mace and the Chancellor really bothers me, I wont spoil it for you though.
Thats about the gist of my life since I last wrote. Trying to play lots of pool, every Wed night at Oddballs. But other then that and Pantz' party on Sat I havent been very social.