Apr 02, 2005 01:34
the first of the victory market stores to undergo the final stages of its hannafordization was the townsend store on march 20. june 11 is the last day for nay sayers such as my self to believe that they actually still work for victory, as the next day the twin city store reopens after its renevations have been completed. the operation will be complete by september when the victory super market sign has crumbled from the exterior of the 19 buildings to don the hannaford name.
hannaford supplies a newsletter to its employees called "hannaford voices," an eerie parallel to the name of the former victory newsletter "the victory voice." hannaford voices. the victory voice. the larger the company, the more voices, the less likely yours will be heard when everyone is talking at once. i liked it better when there was one voice.
much like president jay digeronimo in "the victory voice," "hannaford voices" features the hannaford president rick greeting the employees in a column to update them on any developements or what is new in the company. in may, the employees of roche brothers super market are likely to receive the same message that the employees of victory received in september of 2004.
"a message from rick: 'have a cigarette! you're f***ed!'"
hannaford delenda est.