So, tomorrow is indeed a dreaded school night.
Junior year of High School is finally here.
I just wanted to take a minute to say that spending my whole Summer here was so incredibly worth it.
I have met so many new and amazing people through this community.
You are all so fantastic. Not to mention epic.
Who would have thought Michael Johns and David Cook could bring together such a tight group of people?
It's been real.
I've enjoyed all of your stories. <333
Also, laughing at crazy manips you've made and GIFs and videos etc until my stomach hurt.
It's been so fun.
Along with the start of school, I still have the last of the Mavid Dances to look forward to.
And you know I'm still going to be making those crazy GIFs. XD
I love you guys. :) <3
Now, a little bit of fun. Because yes, I am using my last day of Summer to GIF hilarious/cute moments.
I have come to the conclusion that when Mike is drunk, he is totally oblivious to how ghey he acts.
"Knockin' me out with those American thighs!"
"YOU! -points at David- Shook me allll nighttt longgggg!"
Um now that we know what his sex face looks like...-ded-
When we asked for a duet, we ment a coherent, sober rendition of a song you could both actually sing.
But this will have to do. XD.
Epic high-five. Hug #1.
Hug #2.
XD <33 Okay I'm done.