Knowing Yourself is Overrated

Apr 25, 2011 09:00

Our cul­ture lately puts a lot of stock in “know­ing your­self.”  Knowing who you are, your strengths, your weak­nesses.  Your pas­sions.  I’ve heard it said even that before you can write, you must know who you are.

Utter hog­wash.

Writing is as much about the act of dis­cov­ery as it is any­thing else.  The way I see it, the “me” who is aware of what he does is a small frac­tion of the entirety.  There’s this mas­sive sleep­ing giant beneath that that wakes up very rarely, but influ­ences every­thing I do-my sub­con­scious.  And my sub­con­scious is really the one earn­ing the liv­ing for us when I do cre­ative work.  It’s field­ing me the visual images, the themes… all the impor­tant stuff.  I do things like decide where to use the word “said” and where to use some­thing more col­or­ful, like “growled.”

I learn as much about myself but what mys­te­ri­ously ends up on the page as I do through any kind of seri­ous intro­spec­tion.  And it’s not all good, either.  I have some seri­ously screwed up ingrained notions about some things that I find on the page and have to cor­rect.   I hope one day I’ll cor­rect that shit enough that the cor­rec­tion will become the real­ity, because I get a lit­tle tired of my sub­con­scious being so sexist-or whatever.

And any­way, this idea that you can know your­self even par­tially com­pletely is silly because it seems to imply that we’re fin­ished and unchang­ing.  No, we’re all works in progress.  By the time you know one thing about your­self, it’ll prob­a­bly change, like some kind of Heisenberg prin­ci­ple of self-​​actualization.

Do I think it is impor­tant to explore your own nature?  Of course!  But do I think hav­ing some kind of neigh-​​complete land­scape of your own psy­chol­ogy is a pre­req­ui­site for good writ­ing?  Absolutely not.  I pre­fer to go wan­der­ing, per­son­ally.  Another one of those “it’s about the jour­ney, not the des­ti­na­tion” kinda things.  There sure are a lot of those crop­ping up as I get older.

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