(no subject)

Mar 12, 2009 16:32

Unfortunately, you also can't explain why you did this: but it comes right after I decided to drop Lee, so it's obviously some sort of prejudice against me, from Heather (whom I won't talk to now, and so she hates me), from Becky (who hasn't liked me since I wouldn't play porn with her), and from Paula (who is just sort of being puppetted around, and it's really sad cause she's cool). Also on the half of Britt, who now doesn't like me because I'm dropping Lee.

But for all the cool people: Eve, Mari, Jessie, Chris, Kelsie, Petra, AM, Nicole, Tanya, the girl who plays Adama and Pellew, and the girl who plays Spike, but I can't remember your names -- I'm really sorry we can't play here anymore. I'm making another community that's going to be AV, but without the drama of the scary HP Harry/Snape crap that no one reads, and the very OOC Doctor/Rose/Master threesome, the very badly played, crying Sirius Black,  the President Laura (who isn't anything like Laura) who can't do anything but wander around with her baby and beg for attention, and Mal/Master/Jack who can't be bothered to post more than three times in a thread unless it has something to do with sex -- Becky, Chris and everyone else all hate that about you, by the way, Mar. Because you can't do something without it turning into sex, and that's why Becky doesn't like to play with you often. You're sick and you need some help.

So, with that said, if anyone's interested in moving this entire game to Insane Journal, where you get 100 icons, and it never craps out on you, that'd be awesome. We'd just be missing a badly played Doctor, a slutty Rose, a weepy Sirius, some Merlin people that no one cares about (Except Uther, who is freaking awesome), a very badly played emo Harry, a very well played Snape (but he, unfortunately, is played by someone with no ethics), a Jack, Master and Mal who are NEVER around.

Ianto, Church, Jalil, Remus, River, Owen, Tex, Lee, York, Red, Barney, Zak Adama, Delirium, Kurz, and Lorne are coming over to the new Aternaville. So if you want your characters to continue on as they are, without any interruptions (since the above named people don't play much anyway), you're very welcome to come.

We would love for Kaylee, Jayne, Horrible, Spike, Pellew, Bill, Matt, Endora, and anyone else to come along with us. We do love you all -- we just don't want the petty drama carried on by the mods to happen anymore. We're all tired of it. Becky, Heather, Britt and Dani can have their little odd clique where they only play with one another and have mega drama -- that makes them happy and that's okay. It's unfortunate that they decided that they dislike me because I really liked Becky, Heather and Britt, really a lot. But Heather decided to be childish and Becky (like always) had to back her up. I'm not sure what Britt's problem was, but that's unfortunate also, she was uber cool. Not so much anymore.

Anyway, I will be starting the community tonight or tomorrow and we're just going to move it over, either to Insane Journal, or another place on LJ, and you can just shift your characters over. No drama on our front, we swear. And there'll be actual plot sometimes. And we'll have the 9th Doctor, who will do more than have threesomes -- it'll be rad. If you're on the fence about it, stay in this AV and come over to ours, then decide -- or don't decide, and just stay in both. We won't tell.

We wish our best to everyone.
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