Summer is officially over and school is now in session ahhhh

Sep 04, 2005 15:50

Its that time again. Where all the good lil children go to school and are trapped in that whole "learning" atmosphere. I'm kind of glad school has started up again, but at the same time I wish it was still summer. This was how my first week went:

Monday - Worked at home in the morning for my dad and then it was off to Valencia for Spanish from 4-515 with Helena Veenstra. That class is gonna be a piece of cake, especially since I've taken 3 years of Spanish in high school. I sat in class thinking "omg, I already know this stuff." We learned the alphabet and how to say "hello, my name is... and I am from..." Its funny listening to people trying to pronounce everything correctly. I know thats mean, but it does make the class entertaining somewhat.

Tuesday - Speech 830-945am with Mary Sugeir and then right after its Geology 10-1245pm with Mary Beck. I like my speech teacher, she's really cool and makes the class fun. We already have a lot of assignments due.. which I kinda haven't done yet. Thats what Labor Day weekend is for. Oh but Geology is gonna be hell! First of all, I can't sit still for nearly 3 hours straight. That is such a long time to be sitting in a chair at a lab table. Its a class, but it also includes a lab too, she just splits up our day in half. Not only that...this class is about rocks! I. Don't. Care. About. Rocks. Hence why I'd never become a geologist, but I needed another science class to get my AA degree and this happened to be the only class left open.

Wednesday - Same thing as Monday. Worked and then went to my super easy Spanish class in the afternoon. Met this guy named Mike who was sitting behind me. We had to do a partner activity for class. When we were done, we started talking. He just moved from Maryland 2 months ago, and then we got onto the subject about our jobs. I told him that I work at the Y and he mentioned he works at the Bank of America in the marketplace down the street from me. I paused and then asked him "hey.. do you by any chance know Toni D'amato?" He was like "yes, I do! I work with her, we're both tellers." I sat there thinking wow, this is such a small world.. and getting smaller. He was surprised and confused and asked how I know her. I told him that I used to date Nick and that Dana and I work at the Y together, so I've known their family for 2 years. Then he was like "oh wow, ya know, I've never met Dana or Nick, but she always talks about them and brings in pics to show me. Its kind of funny. She is so sweet though." I just thought it was crazy and weird how I didn't even know this kid, yet he knows the same people I know from the second we start talking about our jobs, we found out so much.

Thursday - Same classes as Tuesday. Had a dentist appt at 2pm. I've been a bad girl and found out I have 3 cavities...oops. At least my day got better b/c at 4pm I drove to Tampa for the USF Round Up with the famous......DANE COOK!!!!! <3 Omg this had to be one of the funniest nites of my life! The best day of the week by far. Claire, Nishaa, Jesse (Claire's co-worker) and myself went to the show. Christine even flew down from Chicago to see the show!! And also b/c its Labor Day weekend. Too bad her cell phone died and she couldn't get my text msgs that I replied back to her.. we ended up not being able to find one another. So close, yet so far. Guess the next time I'll see her is in December? Unless she comes for Thanksgiving. But after the show, Claire, Nishaa and I (along with prob half of the audience from the show) went to Bennigan's b/c Dane and his buddy Jay Davis invited all 10,000 people to celebrate for Jay's bday! It was way too packed, so we left and ate at Steak'n'Shake mmm. Then we decided to take one more chance and headed back to Bennigans where we saw Dane surrounded by a crowd of people, making it really difficult to get to him. Then, I was just 5 feet away from actually meeting him when the damn Bennigan's security guy stood in front of us and said "the line stops here, back up girls." I was really pissed and disappointed b/c I really wanted to meet the guys. I look at it this way.. I was a lot closer to him than I was sitting watching his show in the Sun Dome. I prob wouldn't have been that close to meeting him ever. Overall, that was such a great nite!

Friday - what did I do on this day? Oh yeah.. drove back from Tampa in the morning. Went on campus from 1-2pm for a mandatory orientation for my online computer class. Then Antonino and I went out for lunch at Moe's. Sebastian and Alicia decided to meet us about an hour later so we all just chilled there. Umm I didn't do anything fun or interesting after that I don't think.. nothing comes to mind.

Saturday - Tkd in the morning from 11-1215. Did sooo much español hw and quizzes and got them out of the way (as much as I could). Then Blair said doing spanish hw isn't the best way to spend a Saturday, which I completely agreed with. Since we were both bored, he said to meet him at Starbucks at 4. We got our drinks, walked next door, got some ice cream from TCBY yummy! and just enjoyed the rest of afternoon outside. Sat there talking about all kinds of stuff, chilled with some of the people we knew who came by and sat down with us and finally around 7 I left to go home. Ya really do lose track of time when you're just enjoying the simple things in life. Then I had to do chores around the house and blah. Once I was done, I went over to la casa de Candice around 11pm, hung out for about 2 hours.. I love spending time with mi hermana!

Sunday - Went to church in the morning with the family. Had lunch. Cooked dinner with my dad. =) We made his delicious spaghetti bolonaise (sp?). Around 945pm, Candice and I met Blair and Jill at City Walk and we saw 40 Year Old Virgin. That movie is hilarious!! It keeps you laughing the entire time. After the movie, we all went home and I hung out with Candice a lil bit before I went home. So glad she lives like 2 seconds down the street, how convenient.

Monday - Labor Day.. and what did I do?? I labored. Actually I did my hw which sucked, but that counts as laboring doesn't it? Watched the football game btwn UM and FSU in btwn doing my hw.. and then helped Blair get thru the horrible outcome of UM's loss. Went to bed at 315am.. damn that stupid geology rock crap.. and woke up at 715am.. you do the math on how much sleep I got. =(

Today! - Speech was pretty good today. Nothing terribly exciting happened in class. However, Geology was just this out-of-this-world, mind-blowing experience! We played this game called The Rock Cycle Game............GAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! Oh boy was that game ever so lame! I love my lab group though, we make things fun. Its me, Dustin, Ryan and Danny. We even decided to come up with a name for our group: "Team Luster" (luster, in honor of rocks lol).. this is how bad it is.. when you come up with something so retarded for the name of your lab group. That tells you something about this class. After class, I called Sebastian and found him on campus. Helped him study for his Spanish quiz. Then Antonino came and the 3 of us went to Wendy's for lunch, came back on campus, waited for Sebastian's class to start and then Antonino and I went home. Dunno what I'm doing this evening. I know I wanna get some sleep b/c 4 hours isn't enough. Guess thats all for now. Hope everyone had a good Labor Day weekend. Adios!

♥ ~ N ~

Random countdown: 98 days til my 21st bday!!! I think it sounds better in months instead of days..
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