they're not gonna get us!!

Aug 09, 2005 11:47

So, I probably have, all told, at least 20 pages of my house analysis handwritten in 2 different notebooks. I have probably another 7 done about the necessity of Slytherin house in particular, and the first bit of a Draco POV post-HBP fanfic.

I swear, at some point, when I'm not too exhausted to make sense of it, it will all (well, perhaps not the fic) make its way onto this computer and into lj. And you'll ALL read EVERY WORD OF IT once I've got everything up, I know, because you're wonderful, wonderful friends who love and support me in all my various and sundry endeavors regardless of your own personal investment (or lack thereof) in said endeavors. :D

Now collapsing.
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