That Bunny Thing Everyone's Doing...

Apr 16, 2005 12:20

...and which will probably come back around to bite me in the ass. But anyway. I've got one lined up that I want to write, but I might not, mainly because I'm not cool enough to know very much about any of the things that would probably go on in it. Also another fanfic whcih I have like 5 pages on. But anyway, yeah, outside of these bunnies...anyone in here you're interested in hearing about? Really. I need to stretch those fiction muscles before I forget how to do it. :P

Something and Something Else [Noah/Angelica; possible appearance by Aleta]- Best friends since the age of seven, and growing up with nearly everything in the hills of LA. This one explores the dynamics of a friendship wherein one party is loud, angry, controlling and volatile on the outside and the other, seemingly calmer, more collected party, has all of those same traits bubbling about right underneath the surface.

As Yet Untitled [Harry/Draco; post-war] - Ok, so, not original fic, but I figured I should try my hand at it at least once. And if I can get myself to take it seriously enough (which is my problem with this genre; I go to write the word "muggle" and am just like...what the hell am I doing?) it might actually turn into something interesting. It's about being left behind in the world, being caught after a series of horrible events that have changed your life so irrevocably that you're standing there shell-shocked while the rest of everything continues on around you. Music, pretty girls, and an overabundance of green.

EDIT: About That Rave [Aleta/Nedra; past event]
Memory is more than sight. There are screams and whispers, stimulation to the skin; dog dung and sewage harmonize in olfactory hymn. Memory dissects not only her life, but her senses as well, muting shards of color, and grating her fingers against the scythe edge of dark. Everything about it is fragmented; in her own head, she is neither whole nor completely real. A gypsy, dangling her bells by thin gold chains, her hair a whirl of honey and sand.
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