muse update

Mar 06, 2005 18:59

Right, so I started this intending to update on the status of all my muses, but then I realized that might be hard, mainly because the only one I've been using for the past, like, 2 weeks is Noah. Actually.

So, anyway, Noah is in an interesting place right now. Specifically between pages 24 and 25. Playgirl and Mandate are interesting, and actually artistically inspiring as well as stirring in other ways, but he really would prefer the real deal. Talking mostly with Bri (Brienne), and actually went out last night to get the porn with her. Has brilliant, cherry-red hair right now in slightly varying shades all over his head, and does remember that he owes her for that. Contemplating a tongue ring. Can't remember how he ended up covered with olive oil with Aisling last week, but fairly sure it involved all of the wine that may or may not have belonged to Ben. Wants to see Charlie, waiting for his header con angelitos or clouds, and quickly running out of hand lotion.

Will kill me for that last sentence.

She's been out of action for a while, and I just realized why. young!Nali has been busy these last two months giving herself hernia's about her second semester grades, APs (I think she has 4 coming up), SATs, SAT IIs, and the school paper. This is why she is not chilling in lovely Costa Rica with Man, but is instead Oding on Red Bull each night and not taking proper care of her hair. I think her room actually smells. Am very scared. older!Nali has been pretty silent as per her usual. I think it's mostly just that her life is so routine now, what with shuffling the kids off to two different schools in the morning and then just picking them up after school. Yep...not much to say on that front.

Xanthe had a huge fight with Nico last week, and is still on somewhat shaky ground there. Has backed out of everything considerably. In fact, I think the only two people she's really talked to at all in the past two weeks are Boost for a bit and then Nico. I think she's slowly sort of shutting herself up inside the house, only she's covering it up through home improvement. The rooms are all nearly painted now, except for Jodie's for obvious reasons. I'm not really sure what she can do next, except maybe start ripping up the carpets and looking for hardwood floors. older!Xanthe is ticked that her daughter snuck off to Costa Rica for two weeks without her permission. Even worse is that Angelica did get Daddy to sign the school forms for her on some grounds (I'm not completely sure what)completely behind Xanthe's back. Feels utterly betrayed and alone at this point, and sort of wants to just break everything in the apartment. Has checked a book out on Zen from the school library instead, after writing a vicious review of some new punk band. Never changes, this one.

Angelica herself has been enjoying sunny Costa Rica and the joy of small bathing suits with Devi. Except for those 10 minutes when she took it upon herself to get ridiculously involved in Noah's personal life and make a call to Ilithya (don't ask me how she got the number; Noah can be ridiculously trusting sometimes...) confirming that the whole wedding/civil unionizing idea was off. Only to find out Ilithya didn't even know it was on in the first place. She was her usual polite and charming self, and thus it took Ilithya a whole five minutes to hang up on her. Possibly Noah will kill her when she comes home. Or yell at her for maybe an hour, immediately forgive her and buy her ice cream. Really, I think either option is possible.

Lero has been busy being utterly confused by Ari's last post, as he's not really sure who called her a whore. In general, everything about their situation confuses him, except for the part that's just really, REALLY good. Will probably ask her about it soon, in case she needs defending from some asshole other lover....XD.

Isaiah is his father's son, but not actually. Nell, I'm actually sorry about never finishing that, but I think the time never aligned, and Noah's just a fuckload louder. The hard thing about Isaiah is that he comes and goes. It's rare that I have him and even rarer that I can keep him around for longer than 10 minutes at a time. Right now, I think he's camping somewhere out in Remote Mountainous California. Because he's awesome like that.

After saying what she said to him last week, Aleta has felt the need to back off of Tyler. Is writing poetry, I think, by that ocean. Sober. You know, it turns out she has a whole collection of poem scraps written on bubble gum wrappers and the like. She meant it, though, and that just sort of makes it more weird for her. Wants to completely ignore the time shift and seek out Maz for birth control, but doesn't know how to go about asking. Possibly spending her days working with some sort of youth organization, but I'm not sure. I'm really never sure as to what she's up to.

And that's about all she wrote.
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