My prayers and thoughts are with you tonight as they have been throughout. I wish I could say something eloquent and compelling, however words fail me. All that's left is a trite, "get well soon." I really can't slap dash a phrase to fully explain what I'm feeling right now. As all of us can understand. There are certain moments where speech evades us and all we can do is feel.
The best I could muster was a memory I love and replay often when reminiscing about good times and good friends at AWA:
You, Charlie, as Nabeshin
More specifically, when you were on stage working the crowd. Then you pulled the cigarette out of your fro. The crowd roared with laughter and applauded wildly. I was definitely among them, laughing my ass off. That’s what you do Charlie, you make us laugh. You give us carefree moments where you fill us up with your light and breezy charm. You are always the first one to break any silence with a joke or relieve the pressure from a tense moment. You have your serious side too, yes. For sure you can brood with the best of us, but I have always had the pleasure of seeing you in your element at AWA. You are a true thespian and I have high hopes to see you pull off another great feat of showmanship at a con.
Best wishes for a swift recovery.
All my love,
Karen "Firecat" Lee