No me gusta español, pero tengo que asistir a la clase.

Jun 16, 2007 12:34

Well I'm almost done with my last class at SHC. I just have three more days of spanish and I'll get my 102 level language credit that I need for the diploma. It has been long and draining. If I hadn't already taken spanish in high school I would be up the creek without a paddle. James made a deal with me that if I get a B+ or higher in the class he'll buy me a Nintendo DS Lite. Well if I keep up perfect attendance then she'll drop my lowest test grade and she already drops the lowest quiz. I'm still not sure if I can make a B+ overall because the final exam is cumulative. Two semeter's worth of spanish boiled down into 24 days. Gah!! I can remember the rules for grammar, but I can't keep my verbs straight. There are too many that sound the same, especially the "p" ones.

Right now James is in Chicago looking at apartments for us. He's been really stressed out up there. He apparently didn't know how hard it was going to be, despite my warning him. On wednesday, he found an 2 Br apartment that he was in love with that was the "sub-level" (ie basement) of a townhouse in Pilsen (artist/hispanic neighborhood). The next day the lady decided she wasn't going to rent it out, she was going to let a family member use it. So he looked some more and found a 1Br loft style apartment in a refurbished warehouse. It had the exposed pipes and concrete (not my favorite). Although it had a great view of the Sears Tower, a $1,200 a month view. We totally couldn't swing that, but he still wanted to. Our tastes are bigger than the budget. I made him go out on Friday and look for someplace cheaper or at least with more space for that price. He found some places in the neighborhood we originally wanted to be in, Bridgeport. Its across the Dan Ryan (I-90/94) from James's graduate school IIT. He found several cheap 2 Br and loved one that was on the 2nd floor. It had decks all around it and a little piece of land for a garden in the back. Its 2Br with lots of closet space. I think its part of a larger building b/c James said there were 6 apartments in the whole thing with a laundry room facility. Its about $750 a month with water included and street side parking. Its near the White Sox stadium. As I was writing this James just called and said he signed the lease. So I guess this is where we're living come August. People live there now until the end of July. Whopee! We have a home!! (Maybe now James can breathe a little easier and stop getting on my case)

I drove Claudia to New Orleans to give to Callie. I know its just a car, but she was my car. My first car and I'm a bit attached to her. We've had many adventures together, some great and some not so much. Claudia has always been a good car: didn't give me many problems, nothing too expensive needed fixing (other than the breaks), and great gas mileage. Although, if I was to give her to anyone I'm glad its to callie. I named her Claudia after the artistic member of the Baby-Sitter's Club. I bought her from my high school art teacher Ms. Esh, and I'm an artist. Now she has been passed on to another artist. How perfect is that? Besides Callie really needs a car to get around this summer with classes, work, and her mama. I need to go back to NO sometime, and I guess I'll get the chance since we can't move away till August.
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