Stolen From Cindy!

Jan 08, 2005 22:01

A is for age: 3 1/2
B is for boyfriend: Cheffy Jeffy
C is for career you want: Porn Star
D is for Dad's name: Zeke
E is for Essential item to have with you: Dildo
F is for favorite song at the moment: Britney Spears - Hit me baby one more time
G is for girlfriend: Eliza Dushku, Tara Reid, the list goes on and on...
H is for Hometown: Atlantis
I is for Instrument(s) you play: none
J is for Jam or jelly you like: Beef Jelly
K is for kids: 3, all little angles
L is for Living arrangements: My own little apartment in Chicago
M is for Mom's name: Wendy
N is for name of best friend: Aaron Barrett
O is for overnight hospital stays: once when i was 3 I broke my arm and was in the hospital for 4 days
P is for Phobias: polish hot dogs
Q is Quote you like: "I like men" - Justin Timberlake
R is Relationship that lasted the longest: I'm currently going on three years with Eliza
S is for Secret never told: when i was twenty, i went to a museum O_o
T is for Time you wake up: 11:00
U is for Unique trait: my right arm is seven inches longer than my left
V is for Vegetable you like: I love all veggies!
W is for What Bothers You Most: losers
X is for X-rays you've had: When I broke my arm i had an x-ray
Y is for Yummy food you like: candy
Z is for Zodiac: Gemini
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