Probably the only political thing I'll ever post...

Oct 20, 2004 07:51

If you want to read it, I beg you to read it with an open mind. I didn't write this, but it is a political statement that I was actually willing to read it all the way through. Like I said, open mind please.

See, Mr. President thinks he's doing a good job by dropping a made-up ultimatum on Iraq and kicking their asses and ruining their country. He and all sorts of other right-wing twits think that they're succeeding in bringing terrorism down.

See, the thing is, the Al-Queda have one goal. It's to rally the Arab world against us. Starting random fights against Arab nations, killing thousands of innocent Iraqis (deny it all you want people, the pictures are out there), and generally being complete dicks seems to be doing just that. For every terrorist we "take down", ten more angry Arabs join the ranks of Al-Queda against us. There are people flocking to Iraq constantly now just to fight against us.
We're giving the Al-Queda everything they want and more. You can pretend your low body counts and so called "liberation" of a nation from a tyrant make a difference, but you're also deluding yourself. We're losing the war on terror and losing it hard.
And if we don't get that fucker out of office, the end is near.

Don't hate me for posting this... anyways I'll talk to ya'll later! I hate being sick...
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