Fucking hell. Another Samus
showed up.
Not a clone or the Dark one, another GENIUNE SAMUS.
Well, not as 'real' as could be. This one's a bloody Galactic Federation Admiral. A Grand Fleet one, whatever that means.
She showed up looking for the Samus I know and Tak. Apperently, from what I overheard, Samus and Tak were attempting to find Samus's home reality, and stumped upon Admiral Aran's instead.
The Admiral's evidently a massive celibraty, so that can't be good for us. Espically with the SA-X running around. It might clone HER too >_O;
Gods damn it, that can't be good.
I think it'd be best if the alternate didn't know I was trying to reverse engineer Chozo technology to counteract it....*
*Snrks* Though, she does only know me as "Hunter Commander Goldenwing Kintotech", heh. Decided to use the last name, since... Well. "Goldenwing" just leaves something empty, at the end anyway.
I've got the Grapple Beam reverse-engineered. In fact, I've started on an armor specifically for this purpose.*
*Sighs* Not good at all...
*At the request of Samus the Reverse Engineered Tech has been destroyed.
What next, another Goldenwing?