May 30, 2006 04:36
So I'm graudating soon... what the fuck is up with that? Sweet wounded Jesus!
Bat Boy: The Musical is probaby the most fucked up musical ever written. It's gonna' be sick man, fucking sick.
Apparently, at 4am, I use the "f" word a lot...
I've been kinda sick-ish, so after going out and playing tonight, Brandon brought me home and cooked me dinner and then gave me a massage (that I konked out in the middle of). He accidentally woke me up when he left, and by then my meds had worn off, so I burst into a sneezing fit which somehow got me wired. now I can't fall back asleep.
So here I am at 4am reviewing apartment listings that my Real Estate guy in New York has been sending me. There are a surprising number of good apartments in my price range. I'm excited.
And that's why it's 4:30 in the morning, and I am still awake. NYARG.