Thanksgiving for Scholarships Luncheon

Nov 18, 2010 22:54

Today was certainly one of the weirdest Thursdays I've had in a while. Every day this week since Monday has been peculiar in its inconsistency with what a regular school week looks for me. All except for tomorrow where I will finally return to some semblance of normalcy.

Today, though, was the Thanksgiving for Scholarships Luncheon to which I was a celebrated guest and performer.

There were 12 scholarship recipients at the event, but I was one of only four who had been selected (or perhaps who had simply agreed) to present our awesome before a whole lot of people who wanted to see how their money was being used. In my case, I was to show off my mad violin skills. One girl sang two short songs, and the other two guys gave short, but amusing 5 minute speeches. The other eight scholarship recipients simply had to stand up when their achievements were recognized, making me realize that there were far too many people there who were way less stressed about this event than me. Bastards!

Anyway, I had been asked by the event's coordinator weeks ago if I would say a little something about myself for a minute or two to the audience before I performed. I figured that would be harmless, so I agreed despite the fact I am pretty terrible at standing up and speaking to a whole lotta people who don't know squat about me. A couple days ago the coordinator asked if I would email her my prepared remarks, which were... not prepared. *coff* I, um... had been planning on winging it. I know me and my history as a musician, how hard would it be to talk about... ME? (actually pretty damn hard, but whatever). So Tuesday (the day I stayed home to recuperate from illness) I sat down and typed up a sappy version of why I wanted to play violin, how my violin teacher made a big impact on my life, why I chose to go to Hamline, and what it meant to me to receive so many scholarships. Emailed it to her, waited for a replay saying, "It's too long, cut out the crap," received actual reply saying, "It is perfect - very well done!"

Yup. So... it's weird sitting at a table surrounded by old folk who all want to talk to you and ask you questions about you. As though I were an interesting person or something. Me, interesting? PFFFT. Hardly. But at the end of the event, I had many people come up to me and tell me how they loved my speech and my goodness, how beautiful I play! And you know what, I did play beautifully! I was very surprised at my lack of trembling as I went to the front, gave my speech (I probably spoke really fast, but... that's not what I was there for, so nyah), and did my thang. The only issue I had while I was performing was... well... you know how I'm recovering from a cold that just doesn't seem to want to go away? Well, a runny nose decided to make an appearance not long after I started my song. So the only thing really on my mind was, "Oh my god, I hope no one can see the snot running down my face..."

Yep. That's my story. I was 25 minutes late to class. We were having a quiz in theory. Everyone else got a head start on me, but I still managed to finish the quiz before two others, so... ha? I rushed through my answers, so... I prob'ly made a whole bunch of mistakes. I don't care.

The food was wonderful, by the way. It was like a mini Thanksgiving meal. There were too many forks, though. I don't have enough etiquette training (and by that I mean 'none') to know which one was for what, soooo... I watched what the old folks did at my table before touching anything before me. What the heck is the need for so many forks, anyway? All forks are equal to me. A fork is a fork is a fork. WHATEVER. I wonder if anyone would have noticed if I had used the wrong fork for salad... Probably not. They kept asking me questions about me, so it's not like I had much time for eating anyway.

Also, if I'd been able to I would have invited people to attend, but this was a closed event. The invite said I could bring a guest, but there wasn't even a spot at the table for any such guest of mine, so... eh. My point here is that I will be performing this same piece (Wieniawski's Violin Concerto in d minor, 2nd mvmt. "Romance") again at my recital in April. You're all invited. Mark it on your calendars now. April 28th, 7pm, Sundin Music Hall. I'll be there, so will you.

I am so glad for this week to be almost over.

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