Dec 27, 2008 22:18
i woke up at four pm today. it was awesome. i think i recaptured all the sleep i lost this last snowy hellish week. i did learn a valuable life lesson this week though. apparently there is no excuse for me EVER to not show up to work. tornado, earthquake, end of the world, whatever, i better show the fuck up. i called in tuesday because i didn't have anyone to help me put my chains on and it was still fucking snowing and i didn't want to take a 3 hour bus tour (with snow delays) just to get into work. i got a condescending bashing (that i hear no one else who called in got but me) threats and punishments from my bitch ass piece of shit boss. i was ranted at for my irresponsibility in not putting my chains on the day before. she threatened to not pay me for christmas, which i'm sure she's going to follow through with, and, she made me stay an hour late with her on christmas eve after everyone else was sent home. bitch face.
it snowed so fucking much that i didn't get to drive the 5 hours home to visit my family. this has been the most jacked up holiday. i tried really hard this year. i put up all the silly decorations, made all the gifts, rented all the chrismas movies. i subconsciously think santa is actually going to stop by my house and sprinkle some freaking happiness around the tree. i miss being a kid and falling asleep with jeanne on the stairs while waiting for santa to come down my grandma's chimney. i hate that this years christmas consisted of me trying not to cry all day while alix and i drove around portland looking for somewhere that was open to eat christmas dinner. with my chains on. mind you. thank you shari's for saving the day for us, and all of the other misfits.
i wish i could keep the things i love from my childhood and the things i love from now and combine them. that way i could be happy, and naive instead of pabsty and sick of this fucking way of life.
does anyone need a female vocalist? maybe i'll just be a rockstar. my job can go straight to hell.