Title: First meeting
Rating: G
Wordcount: 192
Warning: A the barest hint of slash
Characters/Pairing: Lacselles, Drawlight,
Summary: The first meeting between Lacselles and Drawlight.
mephisto5 This a reply to the challenge!
It was one of those fashionable London parties. Mr. Lascelles had been to hundreds of them and was as ever fashionably bored. He looked about the room, and saw a small, dark elegantly dressed man. He had never seen the man before. But the man was coming towards him.
"Please forgive my impenitence," Said the man.
Lascelles raised one eyebrow as if to say, he may or may not.
"But my name is Christopher Drawlight," continued the man. "And I couldn't help but notice the fine cut of your coat. I have never seen such a fine jacket in all the world!"
"Thank you," Lascelles said with a small bow. He noticed Drawlight's eyes, they were large dark and very fine, almost feminine. He also noticed that Drawlight had be the second best dressed in the room. A thought occurred to him.
"And what may I inquire is your name?" Drawlight said. "I cannot go about referring you as the man with the fine coat."
"Henry Lascelles," he drawled.
"Oh Mr. Lascelles! I have presentiment that we shall be great friends!" Drawlight exclaimed.
Lascelles smiled an inward smile. "We shall, shall we?"