Title: A sequel to the untitled thing I wrote
Genre: Smut, Drama
word count: 989
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Miss Redruth meets Childermass again
AinselfHer husband was dead, her father was dead, she was heading back to the family home to beg for shelter and forgiveness. The coach bumped along the dirt road, the sky was gray and a flock of birds moved across it. She had left once to Gretna Green as Ms. Redruth, she now was coming back up to York as Mrs. Carnby. She had no skills other then a little magic. And what little money she had she was using to go North.
It was near nightfall when the coach stopped at an Inn called The green man. She was getting out of her coach when she saw him standing in the Inn yard. His long dark hair, and neat but old fashioned clothing. She felt her heart beat in her chest like caged bird, and compulsion, to touch him. John Childermass, Of all places in England what was he doing here?
She hoped she could get inside before he saw her, but he did, he smiled at her, a sideways smile.
All though out the her meal she would look to see them standing about, or drinking. She always had the feeling that he had been looking at her a second before she looked at him.
It was later in the evening she was going to her room and he was leaving his. They met in the empty corridor, he smiled down at her, and she looked helplessly up at him.
“What are you doing here?” She asked.
“That’s none of your business, Miss,” He said. “I was going to ask the same of you.”
“I’m going to visit my family,” She said.
“Liar, your going to beg them to take you back,” He said. “They won’t do it.”
“Why not?” She asked, flustered.
“You killed your father,” He said.
“I didn’t, how dare you accuse me of such a monstrous thing.” She whispered fiercely.
“As good killed him, you broke his heart when you eloped with your Mr. Carnby,” He said.
She looked up his face, he was smirking at her. Everything about him was insolent and subversive. No one had dared talk to her like that to her face, but she knew what he said was true, all of it.
“Then what is to become of me?” She asked.
“That’s none of my concern,” He said.
And the fire inside her seemed to burn in defiance of her better instinct. She had nothing, she knew little but he was before her and having nothing there is nothing to lose.l Maybe that is stood up on her tip-toes and kissed the smirk off his lips.
“Why did you do that?” He asked.
“None of you business,” She said.
And he smiled at her, a sly smile.
It was late that night, Frericka was in her shift and nightcap tucked up in her bed. She was on the verge of falling asleep, when she noticed the door was open a small crack. She had been sure she had closed it tight when she went into bed. And the shadows seemed off, far to dark in the lefthand corner of the room,
“If you are there, I suggest you show yourself,” She said,
Nothing happened. She made a gesture to the candlestick by her bedside table and it flickered on. The faint light just made the shadows seem darker.
“I know you are there,” She said.
Still nothing. She climbed out of bed and stood in her shift looking into the shadows. A smile crept onto her face. First she removed her night cap, and let her dark hair fall loose.
“You are watching me, and I dare say there is a smile upon your face at my foolishness,” She said.
If he came out of those shadows she had no idea what she’d do a part of her said to scream and call for the innkeeper, it would serve him right! But another part wanted no one to enter or leave this room save the two of them.
She removed her shift, and stood there nude, her nipples pert in the chill night air. She was pretty enough clothed, but unclothed she was an amazing and delightful sight. She stood facing the shadows in the left hand corner all her charms on display. She was gazing at the shadows in disgust, thinking she had gone to all this effort for nothing when something in the room seemed to change. She turned around and found Childermass staring at her with a appraising look in his eyes.
He didn’t say a word but caught her up in his arms and kissed her full on the lips. She joined the kiss with vigor and twined her fingers in his long black hair.
Her blood was racing and her heart was pounding as she quickly stripped him of jacket, shirt, and breechs. He was much thinner then expected underneath his clothing. He lay her on the bed and he entered her. She shuddered, but not with pain at his entry. The inn bed groaned and creaked under them. They fucked in the dimness and he said nothing made no noise, but she did. She gasped and made small sounds in the back her of her throat.
She came to relase first sputtering and moaning uncontrollably. He rode out her release and the came himself.
She fell asleep afterward and in the morning she awoke alone, naked and shivering. The door was closed and bolted.
Oddly enough he didn’t feel like going onto York, instead she went back to London. And that night she wore her best dress, had her hair done and put on a necklace. She went to the theatre, there she was seen by the young Earl of E-- who fell head over heels in love with her. And though he was married he kept her in a style to which she became accustomed.