Our hero finds himself in a very weird position...

Jul 16, 2008 23:33

I'm going to quit my job. Well put in my two weeks, all I need is a new job before I go rushing to do that. Its just i'm honestly at this point in my life done with papa gino's, I've and this is no jokes, I've gained grey hairs staying at this job for this long. Its almost been 2 years and I've held out as long as I can but well, i'll see if I can explain:

My Boss is a drunk: Alcohol seems to be a huge part of his life. Which is really really sad and I feel sorry for him. But hey speaking of feeling sorry for people, he apparently feels sorry for me because I read comics. Which is really pathetic on his part. At least I fucking read! And don't spend all my damn time drinking.

My hours have been cut tremendously. And by that I mean I can jump from anywhere to 40 to 38 to this week 27. That is not acceptable to me by any terms whatsoever. I've worked hard for the company and even got injured with almost 3rd degree burns at several junctures in time.

I've become stressed and all around mentally unhealthy due to actions by my boss and a few coworkers (some of which don't work for the company anymore) my boss makes fun of me, a lot. In the harshest ways possible for no reason. I don't know why I put up with it and it really is mentally damaging and not helping my already injured state of mind.

I am very polite with guests when they are in the resturaunt / trained in several area's that make me  a very strong asset, yet my boss once again is there to call me useless and that I do absolutely nothing.

I have been put in physical danger as a guest has actually decided to run behind the counter and stand next to me and completely yell at me and almost hit me. (all over a hot dog mind you) but I honestly do not feel safe in my work space anymore and that should not happen.

Right now thats honestly all I can think of, but its definitely why I can't work there anymore, its time for me to find somewhere where I know I'll be treated right.

Moving on I am actually pretty horribly depressed lately some of which is connected to losing people I considered close friends here in Holden. All due to actions that I fully do not regret or think I owe an apology for. While in New York for the con I, with someone I trust completely smoked for the first time. Didn't really like it that much, no big deal.

Not according to pat and Amber mind you. I get to work one day to discover that Ben thinks I'm some sort of drug addict, which really, really gets me heated. I don't know what exactly was said nor do I honestly care anymore. All I know is that I don't appreciate an attack on my character for trying something once. Pat told Amber about it who in turn told Ben who though I was a drug addict, so obviously something bad was said. A few days before this, pat was still talking to me and fine after discovering this happened. I don't know what changed. And Amber was just trying to find more reason to be angry at me.

Speaking of Amber, that situation gets a little more fun. Amber was visiting Ben at work one night because she doesn't work with us anymore. So me and Ben are having a conversation about something, joking around like we usually do and the word bitch comes out of my mouth. For some history here, amber hates that word. Doesn't mind the word cunt like at all, but start running if you use that word. Anyways, I immediately apoligize for using the word around her to which she gets angry and says that i'm not sorry. Mind you, the word was not directed at her, nor could it have really been taken offense to the way it was used. I tell her she's right and that i'm not actually sorry because its really not that bad and I know plenty of women that use it and how some of my closest friends joke around with it. She continues to tear into me for it saying that I treat women horribly and that she hopes my next girlfriend is a complete idiot without an IQ and stupid shit like that. I finally just shake it off and ask why she's acting so feministic all the sudden. Mind you, thats exactly what I said, I did not actually call her a feminist. She freaks out once again, sits on the bench and waits for ben to be done. She gives me a nasty look while i'm leaving. I have not talked to her since.

its been over a month and yet she still feels she's owed an apology. WTF?

Anyways, Ben/Amber/Pat were 3 of my closest friends in Holden and some of the first I really made. It upsets me that I'd lose people so stupidly over such stupid shit. But thats whats been happening and what i've been dealing with.

I'll end this entry on a positive note as I now write a column for www.comicrelated.com  and having a blast with it so far. The owner of the site chuck is a great guy and has invited me to join the pdocasts after we get a few columns under my belt.
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