I have not posted in a while, and I've mainly been pretty uninspired while also engulfed with my personal life. For a long while now, I've been enamored with Bluefairy dolls. Even though I do own a SDC/MSD doll, I have abstained from purchasing any more mini-sized dolls despite the attraction to numerous Bluefairy molds. I think that if I did not own Volks dolls, then I would surely own a large collection of Bluefairy Tinyfairies. I love most of their molds. Since most of my dolls are 60cm or larger, then I stayed away from buying more 45cm or less dolls. Amazingly, I recently discovered Bluefairy's upcoming release of their new 60cm line!
It's been a while since I've spazzed over a new doll mold, and this upcoming release of larger dolls by Bluefairy has me pretty excited! My favorite is the girl here...
Yes, she is a 60cm doll! And she embodies all of the cute that a mini doll has ...but in a larger size! I love it when larger dolls do cute really well. I usually wish Volks would do this too, since I like a lot of their MSD molds but would prefer SD-sized.
I'm tempted to purchase the Bluefairy girl pictured, who is "Your Diana." Unfortunately, I will most likely be in New York this weekend when she goes on sale. She seems very popular, and the company has priced the fullset as only $720, which pales in comparison to the Volks fullsets that I've bought in the past. She seems very affordable to me. And I've heard that Bluefairy dolls compliment Volks dolls as well, since Japan is their target market. I may hold off on buying her due to my trip as well as hoping for more larger doll releases from Bluefairy, especially of their Somang and Louis molds.
She also has a sister ...
And you can see the size comparison to their 40cm line here:
Blog Photos. The very last photo shows a 40cm Tinyfairy standing next to the 60cm Bluefairies.