Jan 28, 2009 12:51
[-She has a very sarcastic tone-]
Well, I guess civility is out of the question!
There are murderers roaming among us! I didn't think humans could be so vio--wait, the Aesir. They are just as violent as the Demon Lord's Aesir. Maybe all humans are like that, just murderous and mean!
I know when I traveled to Titania, I was almost killed by humans! That stupid sorcerer, Beldor, betrayed me twice in a row.
Hmph! Humans are just wicked and deceitful and they only like blood shed!
[-Her voice changes to a thoughtful whisper-]
They are all the same except for Ingway...
I wonder where he is, I sorta miss him. He was pretty nice and very handsome!
[-Just rambling now on now speaking a little louder-]
Though, he was kinda creepy when he was a frog! But at least he wasn't a bad person...
Kind of like how some people here aren't so bad but I wonder why they are so quick to kill each other.
Maybe they are bored or something?
why can't i go back home?,
stupid aesir,
discedo sucks too,
humans are silly,
i miss ringford,
humans suck,
stupid sorcerers