This post made me a little tear-y.

Jan 08, 2007 17:06

Christmas was so good this year. I could not have asked for a better holiday.
I feel really blessed to have so many people to love in my life.

Milwaukee was amazing. If you've never been- you should go. It was beautiful.
We saw the Miller Brewery (you can smell the hops in the air from the interstate!), Miller Park, a huge historic catholic church called Holy Hill, which was idescribable. As soon as we walked in, my words literally left me. I'm going to look into what that place charges to hold weddings- it's probably an arm and a leg, but Kyle and I both agreed that we want to get married there, if at all possible.
I saw my first ski hill- which was literally in the middle of this neighborhood and I showed my true Florida colors by asking Kyle if it was a waterfall... He was like "uh, nope... That's a ski hill, babe.."

I made a lot of new friends in Milwaukee, and I had a really hard time leaving them so soon.
We spent most of the time with Kyle's friend Riley and Riley's girlfriend Tif- who were the main reason we went. Riley has made so much progress, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him. We had an absolute blast with them. They made me feel so welcome and I really feel like I've made life-long friends- which is uncommon to say about someone you've just met. They are planning to come visit us next, and I am so excited about that. We had such a hard time leaving them. We literally stayed at Riley's house until 4:30 in the morning, went back to the lady's house where we were staying, slept for an hour and then got up to catch our plane.

I have to say- 2006 was not too hard on me, and the with way 2007 has been going for me so far- it shouldn't be a bad one, either.
I learned a lot about love this year. I learned that it has no boundries. I saw first-hand, that it is stronger than health or money or anything else. I learned about the importance of family and friends.

Today was my first day back at school. I don't have much to say about it.
I couldn't sleep last night without Kyle next to me. Being away from him just absolutly fucking kills me.

My internship coach told me today that I should start applying for the Ritz-Carlton in Sarasota. She thinks I can get it based upon my personality alone- which is freakin' awesome.

I have to give a speech tomorrow about the Grateful Dead.
I hope nobody in my class like, walks out or falls asleep or something.
I'm going to have to hear a lot of rap speeches tomorrow- I just know it.
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