(Writer's note: Today's entry is going to be a regular "blog-style" entry since it fits right into the topic... enjoy!)
Neil Gaiman is a frequent poster on Twitter. I have been following him for several months now, and it has been interesting to say the least. On Thursday Neil announced that he was nearly at 100K "followers" and so he was going to have a contest to celebrate. (For the uninitiated, Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users' updates known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 bytes in length.) The #100K contest was one suited for twitter, caption one of two photos in 140 characters or less... (
Neil's journal entry on the subject) The contest ended Saturday at Midnight PST. I have been chewing my nails nervously, awaiting the results. It looks they are picking 20 winners total, 10 "main" winner and 10 runner-ups. I, of course, went a little farther than necessary and created something that looked like a real news article:
A little background for those who don't know me so well... Neil Gaiman is one of my favorite writers of fiction. From comic books, to novels, to short stories, to childrens books, the man does it all. I first fell in love with Neil's work about 15 years ago or so when I read Death: The High Cost of Living. In fact it was this book (and The Crow by J. O'Barr) that got me back into comics. It was great to see that comics could be so much more than capes and tights. It inspired me to someday write my own script (which I am currently in the process of finishing up for my portfolio). When you add all these things together, it tends to make the nervous factor rise.
I feel like a child before Christmas, not sure if the presents will be under the tree that I wanted or if Santa would even show up -- but excited none-the-less. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach rise and fall everytime I refresh the screen and since the contest ended, I have been refreshing Twitter every minute or two... no winners have been chosen yet. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.