I'm sick, which kind of sucks, especially since it doesn't even have the decency to be a properly bad illness that would mean I could stay home and sleep instead of going to work, so although I've been reading all your comments and stuff, I haven't gotten around to replying yet. BUT I SHALL! *crosses heart and hopes to live*
I just started watching the first episode of season three, and ohmygod, you guys. I HAVE SO MANY FEEEEELINGSSSS.
5:12 PM
me: still there?
5:14 PM so...I'm part way into the first glee episode of this system, and I can't decide if I'm happy or disappointed or both
5:18 PM Kate: alors! I'm back
5:19 PM system?
me: season
5:20 PM Kate: hmm. quite a problem
me: I really don't know how I feel about this
Kate: Quinn's new style?
me: no, that I love
Kurt's being a passive agressive bitch
5:21 PM which, okay, I love that he owned it "No, I'm being passive agressive"
Kate: wait, what did he do again?
me: but I hate that he's pressuring Blaine
Kate: ohhhh right
o.O seriously who wants to switch schools for senior year
me: and I like that they addressed the whole Juliard STUPIDITY
5:22 PM Kate: and have it say PUBLIC SCHOOL after paying through the nose for three years of private
(on his diploma)
me: and seriously, Ms. Pilsbury thinking Kurt and Rachel were datingwas awesome
Kate: have we ever even met his parents?
me: nope!
they don't even have names
Kate: didn't she have a pamphlet for hags?
me: yep!
Kate: scary
me: I have them tagged on my pinboard as blaine's_dad and blaine's_mom
5:23 PM Kate: faceless people who will let their son switch schools because he likes his boyfriend
5:24 PM me: and I dislike that they broke Mercedes and Sam up and paired her with a guy we've never met before and appears to be just fulfilling the similar-because-we're-the-same-race stupid thing
5:25 PM and seriously, I totally called that Emma is asexual and I wish they would just admit that
Kate: I can't remember why Mercedes and Sam were dating
me: no real reason
he asked her to dance at prom and said she was pretty
Kate: oh right
is that dating?
me: they were secretly dating after that
5:26 PM Kate: ohh
me: on a meta level, I find it troubling that they broke up the interracial couple like that
Kate: … why don't I remember this
me: it was really small
5:27 PM and I miss Lauren Zizes. She was a bamf.
I haven't even finished the first episode yet
Kate: I agree that it's problematic on that level, but I can see why it would happen in real life. the stereotype exists for a reason :-/ people like people who are like them
hahaha wow
me: true! very true
5:28 PM but since it IS TV, I think that there's sort of a social responsibility to pay attention to that kind of thing and the message it sends
Kate: ahh
me: *societal, rather
new boyfriend is about to do something really distasteful that they don't want for Sam's storyline?
5:29 PM it doesn't help the race thing but I just thought of it
me: maybe? Sam appears t be out of the picture. He moved out of state.
5:30 PM The one thing I dislike about Quinn's makeover (besides the oft-mentioned lack of bathing, which I see no actual evidence for)
is the ryan secrest tattoo
I mean, really?
just -- what?
other than that, I think she's sexier than ever. She pulls off the bad girl thing.I'm having a hard time watching Glee right now because I have this irrational thing about it (see below:)
Kate: wait, so what are the pros and cons here?
me: of what?
Kate: putting off watching it
I feel lost
5:33 PM me: oh! I just do it because I fear being disappointed and I don't want to deal with all the emotions it'll invoke
what if I'm no longer invested?
what if it ruins it for me?
Kate: o.O
I find that improbable
me: ...I'm neurotic, I know
5:34 PM doctor who's one of the rare exceptions to this
Kate: … how will you ever go on more than three dates with someone with that mindset?
me: it's never come up?