So, I was here, sitting at my computer...And I got an *AWESOME* mob!idea (which varies from a normal idea in that there are guns involved. And pinstripes...But I digress). The idea for a SURPRISE FIC, that not even
blog_of_cool has read yet. So, here is what happens when I get an idea and run with it. Also, I apologize in advance for any formatting fails that may happen.
"KURT ELIZABETH HUMMEL, COME DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR CHILDREN BEFORE I SEND THEM TO A SWISS BOARDING SCHOOL!" Blaine yelled as he stormed down the hallway towards his husband's office, throwing the door open and glaring at the brunette who was sitting at his desk calmly.
"Something wrong, dear?" Kurt asked, looking up and taking in his husband's appearance. Skipping over Blaine's soaking wet hair and clothes, Kurt also saw what looked like large clumps of glitter sticking to the shorter man, in addition to some rather brightly colored feathers.
"You're damn right something's wrong, Kurt. Water balloons are what's fucking wrong. Water balloons, and a bucket filled to the brim with glitter and feathers. Do you have any idea how hard it's going to be to get this shit out of my hair?!" Blaine asked, upset at how calmly Kurt seemed to be taking the misbehavior of their children. "I don't even know how they knew how to set up all of the stuff they did, but they are going to be grounded until I find out."
"No they aren't, because they didn't do it," Kurt said, standing up and walking over to Blaine. He stopped when he was directly in front of his husband, putting his hands on Blaine's hips and pushing him out the door slightly before moving to close it in his face. "Oh, and Blaine? The next time you want to skip Friday night dinner with my family? Make sure it's for a better reason than 'The Buckeyes were playing'."