Feb 11, 2011 10:53
[[ I realized I hadn't posted these up, just a little questionnaire we did for the elf guild. Mirindir used to be Skoldi :) ]]
Full Name: Mirindir Starfang
Nicknames: The Heartseeker. Mira (only to family and dear friends)
Age: ~3200
Race: Kaldorei
Gender: Female
Hair: Deep purple
Skin: Light blue
Eyes: Silver
Height/Weight: Mirindir is tall, imposing and athletic.
Place of residence: "New" Feathermoon Stronghold
Place of Birth: Feralas
Known Relatives: Mirindir is a third-generation Sentinel. Her mother, though blind, still resides at the stronghold. As not many male elves come through the Stronghold, she may be related to some of the other Sentinels.
Known Friends: Mirindir considers all Sentinels to be her sisters and and looks to them as friends. Falore ("sister"), a spirit cat.
Romantic Interests: Not interested, though she accepts the fact that she will have to mate out of necessity if she wants her own daughter.
Religion/Philosophy: Mirindir is a devout follower of Elune, though she is not one for praying and temples, believing that the Goddess presents herself in more tangible and practical ways; ie, lighting the night sky to allow a clear shot. She believes that her companion, a spirit cat found near a moonwell, was sent by Elune to aid her.
Occupation: Feathermoon Sentinel
Group/Guild affiliation: Kaldorei Shan're, Feathermoon Sentinels
Guild Rank: Might (eventually!)
Enemies: All enemies of the Sentinels are her own. No specific individuals.
Likes: Order, tradition, duty.
Favorite Foods: Mirindir will eat basically anything, though she does have a fondness for fish.
Favorite Drinks: As above, she will drink anything she can get her hands on. Though she cannot get it often, she is fond of dwarven ales.
Favorite Colors: She does not really have a favorite color, though she prefers her blue armor.
Weapons of Choice: Bow, Falore, her companion.
Dislikes: All the enemies of the sentinels; sharing the coast, she has a particular dislike for Naga (and by extension, Highborne). She has no love for the other races of the Alliance.
Hobbies: Mirindir spends her free time caring for her weapons and armor, or making arrows.
Physical Features: Mirindir wears the facial tattoo that both her mother and grandmother wore, two feral-looking slashes over each eye. Well-muscled and imposing, but nothing else unusual.
Special Abilities: A skilled marksman and tracker.
Positive Personality Traits: Confident, capable, and loyal to the end once you have gained her trust. Strives to protect the innocent.
Negative Personality Traits: Blunt to the point of rudeness, aloof and judgmental toward those she deems inferior. While she will not admit it outright, she seems to place male elves into this category.
Misc. Quirks: She keeps a small trunk of "trophies" taken from some of her more notable kills: harpy feathers, orc teeth, troll tusks, etc. She understands that others find this a bit distasteful, so does not show it to others.
Theme Songs:
Family secrets: N/a
History: (( Still working on it! ))