Specifically :
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-10773893 Yes, I clicked on it purely to be enraged, but what a stupid article. In brief, the idiot reporter eats lots of food with E numbers listed on the ingredients list, does not die, concludes that anyone who thinks E numbers are bad for you is stupid. This ignores that lots and lots of E numbers have been delisted over the years, as they turned out to be ungood, e.g. Fast Yellow AB - E105, and thus we can conclude with reasonable certainty more will be delisted in the future. For being ungood. He also makes the insane statement:
And the E numbered nitrate and nitrite preservatives in bacon, ham and sausages, linked to bowel cancer by the World Cancer Research Fund? Removing these would increase the risk of food poisoning caused by botulism, a virulent pathogen all but eradicated from our food, not least because a natural version - salt-peter - has been used for centuries.
So, a definite link to bowel cancer. But E numbers are still wonderful as otherwise we would all die of botulism. No, not with refrigeration we wouldn't and don't. And the "has been used for centuries" argument. So was lead acetate as a delicious artificial sweetener, but that didn't work out too well for the Romans, did it?
Why? Why suck so very very much?
Also, it's saltpetre.