If you want something done...

Oct 09, 2008 16:51

Hello people.

I have been sufferring some awful karma recently. But, things are now getting back on track. I will have my contract tomorrow, and sign apartment contract this weekend. We will move in on the 1 nov. The apartment is in the centre of paris, in the 6th. One bedroom, one living room type affair. People are welcome after we've had a week to settle in. Do check in advance to see if we have bought a sofa-bed yet.

God that feels good to be finished with. A week of worry about letters from Imperial, thesises, and so on. Oh, and wisdom teeth, and sacro-illiac joint problems. And a fire. And my shiny powerbook hasn't arrived yet.

In good news, the professor I am working with/for here gave me a problem about iterated affine functions he had been playing with for the last few years. I solved it over the weekend, so huzzah for me, and the Jordan Normal Form.

And finally, since Gaspode seems to be asleep on the job:
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