[action] Convalescing

Aug 26, 2009 03:06

[Tag: Fred, open to Buffy, Angel, and other house members/guests]

[Angel and Buffy dragged Wes' bed into Fred's room, arguing that it would make it easier for guard and nurse duty, but Wes doesn't give a damn about the bed. He's scrunched in the desk chair, which he pulled up to Fred's bedside, lined eyes fixed on her sleeping form despite the thick bandages on his head and wrist. He watched Fred die once, stayed with her till the very end, and he's both resolved not to let her die and to be with her every moment in case she needed anything . . . again.

This is Wesley Wyndham-Pryce, hopelessly in love, heartsore at the thought that this angel lying next to him is barely aware of the first few months of the three years Wesley has burned into his brain. It looks almost like a soap opera. If only it were that simple . . .]

tag fred, !action, oh the angst

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