Jul 30, 2009 01:04
If anyone is seeking the single copy of Dante's Divine Comedy in the library, I've requisitioned it for the moment. I'll be happy to return it if anyone would like to read it. To me it still seems to be in the original Italian, though I'm sure it will translate itself like any other book if one isn't familiar with Italian. I always thought it lost something in translation, though.
[Underneath this, scribbled absently, is a direct quote from Inferno in Italian, which should "translate" for anyone reading since Wes isn't particularly trying to disguise it]
'Are you still witless as the rest?
Here piety lives when pity is quite dead.
Who is more impious than one who thinks
that God shows passion in His judgment?'
[Wes is sitting underneath a tree on the border between city and forest, sinking into his book and thinking broody thoughts. Feel free to mope along or bravely attempt to pull him out of it.]