~ c --

Nov 05, 2003 20:28

Hi. My name is Mira.

I do not come from a small Russian village near Nordvik. I can not repeat the entire alphabet backwords without hesitating while jumping in circles on one leg while twirling hoola hoops. And I am not a rather large elk with a penchant for Koolaid. (Sorry to get your hopes up there.)

However, my journal is FRIENDS ONLY. This happens to be because I spend a lot of my time updating in school; moments after which kids I have class with ('peers') are using the same computer and can see what I've written. This makes for a very uncomfortable and frightening situation.

If you would like me to friend you, please comment. 99.9% of the time, I will add you back. The only exceptions to this are:

1) If you have absolutely NO RESPECT for language- IE- everything is spelled wrong, bad grammar, or you're a leet speaker. You know, one of those people who types in all numbers? That annoys me to no end.

2) You go to my school, or I think I might know you in Real Life. Unless I tell you to friend me before hand, BUG OFF. This has happened once before, and this person did not tell me who they were. They went to my high school, and needless to say, I was very paranoid for several days.

3) You are boring. Don't get worried- I know very, very few actual boring people out there. (My Civics teacher being one of them.) But if your journal describes your daily studies on the amount of dryer lint you can accumulate (or something along thse lines) FORGET IT.

That's it. I'd like to think I'm very easily pleased, and not that hard to get along with.

Hope that explains me a bit. Have a nice day.

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