☆ 7th Edict [Accidental Video]

Aug 12, 2009 14:43

[After a few seconds of gradual flickering of indistinguishable images and snatches of noise, the video feed soon stabilizes to reveal what looks to be a living room with sounds of loud bickering happening just off-camera in the background. Once, the living room may have actually had some semblance of order to it, but now it resembles what a room would look like if a pack of six-year olds on a sugar high were let loose and allowed to have their way with it. Pillows are strewn across the floor, pictures are hanging on a lop-sided skew--everything imaginable has fallen into disarray, disturbed from their normal resting places, save for a large, white tiger-like creature named Tora that lays sprawled along half of the couch, ears flicked back, looking either content or bored depending on the observer as it chews lightly on a yellow crayon. One can only guess the kitchen and bedrooms all lie in a similar state.

Now, were one to give the room more than just a passing glance, they would also notice that the room was also covered in bold, ideographic characters -- kanji names haphazardly scrawled on everything that could be defined as a claimable object. Whether in marker, obnoxiously bright crayon, or some other means, little in the room has been left untouched. Some of the markings have been scrawled out only to have been replaced by another - sometimes multiple times until the characters are more or less an indistinguishable mess of writing. Only two names are prominent; no others seem to be present, unless one were to look at the door - the only object that currently seems bereft of either of the two names. Instead, (though the handwriting does suspiciously resemble one of the main two) an entirely different set of characters are on the door, as if the two culprits in question had come to an unspoken agreement that the door was, indeed, very, very much not theirs.

Finally, a pair of figures dance into view. The taller of the two, a man with long, black hair swept up in a clumsy ponytail, Shouryuu, is quickly retreating backwards, a black and white, wild feline-emblazoned vase in hand. Meanwhile, the smaller blond-haired figure, Rokuta, pursues, stance rife with irritation, which the other man seems to find amusing as he keeps the vase just out of reach while the younger struggles to grab it, arguing all the while.]

Give that to me! I had it first!

And I have it now.

Give it!

[The man seems to openly consider the order for a moment, before shaking his head. Shouryuu then sidesteps around the couch, somehow managing to balance the vase in one hand, while writing on it with marker in the other at the same time, hastily scribbling his name over kanji that had been inscribed there previously. The tiger raises her head to stare at the two, before yawning, seeming to be far more interested in the taller man's swaying ponytail than the antics of the two themselves as they continue to circle, feint, and zigzag about the room.]




It's mine.

No, it isn't.





Don't call me that!

I bought it.

[The blond gives Shouryuu a dead-pan, almost incredulous look.] You broke it, old man.

[Shouryuu shrugs] Not this one. I like this one.

The other one. That's a replacement, not yours.

Break it, you buy it. Therefore, mine.

[Rokuta stops for a moment, glaring up at the taller man. After those few seconds pass, perhaps after finishing his inner debate with logic, he lunges forward. Whether by divine providence, luck, Shouryuu's playful allowance, or a combination of all the above, Rokuta manages to grab hold of the vase, spinning on his heels and fleeing until the two find themselves on opposite sides of the couch, staring levelly at each other, tiger between them. Still, the blond seems to be savoring the small victory and the respite. Kanji again has been crossed out and written over. Tora's tail twitches.]

Well, it's mine now.

No, it isn't.

Yes, it is.

My name's on there more.


How many?

You first.


Six! Eat that.

Six? [He chuckles lightly, looking far from upset. Almost calculating.] Fitting. [With a laugh, Shouryuu suddenly lunges forward, jumping over the couch onto an unoccupied cushion, grabbing the kirin by the arm before he can so much as flee, tugging him backward amid loud protests while the vase tumbles from Rokuta's grasp and onto the cushion behind him. Rokuta struggles, but Shouryuu has him pinned and outmatched. The Ever-king soon soon has the marker out, and no amount of evasion or eardrum-splitting yells can keep the man from scrawling his name low on Rokuta's forehead. Goal finished, he lets go of the flailing kirin with an extremely smug look. He pokes Rokuta with the butt end of the marker as the blond tries to wipe the ink off, looking disgusted.]



[He smirks.] So?

So? So?

I suppose this means what's yours is mine now.

[Rokuta bristles, standing as the tiger looks on, blinking as if finally interested.]Is not! [Rokuta finds himself rushing, scrabbling forward, hoping to get at Shouryuu before he can react, but his attempt at payback is soon thwarted by the time he so much as attempts to grab Shouryuu's shoulder, finding himself abruptly pushed back onto the couch beside Tora.]

You're such a...[He pauses, as if noticing the tiger for the first time. A certain mischievous gleam coming back into his eyes. Shouryuu, too, eyes the kanji-less tiger. Tora stares back at them both, fur suddenly bristling. It takes only two seconds more for both Shouryuu and Rokuta's eyes to meet for a few long moments before both are galvanized into action.. Tora yowls as the two throw themselves at her at her, jumping off the couch and bolting, knocking over a table in her flight. She heads for a bedroom door before a lupine-shadow suddenly appears to the side of her, blocking the door. Confronted with one of Rokuta's demon shirei, the feline hisses, swatting at the materializing figure, before turning and streaking in the opposite direction. Faced with nothing but walls, she runs towards the only feasible escape: the large, closed window just to the right of the couch. Before either party can reach her or so much as stop her, the suugu jumps through the window, glass shattering as she flies into the air as fast as her paws can take her. Her hardy body is resistant to the slivers of glass, leaving two dumbfounded individuals behind. Everything falls silent as the two stare at the window.]

That was very much your fault, I think.

It's your cat, old man.

You made her.

Did not.

[They both turn to stare at each other, keeping stubborn eye-contact as they contemplate the situation in silence until Shouryuu quirks up an eyebrow, glancing briefly at the window, shrugging.]

...Well, you're still mine.

Shut up.

[ooc: Red= Rokuta. Blue = Shouryuu.]

all's fair in love and war, last word, not my fault, tigers are awesome, joint-post, circus of idiots, banter, just a window, you can always be immature, not as long as it looks, you first, tora, maturity level = 0, !polychromatic, fun with markers, better than you, cursed: mine mine mine

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