i will buy this phone after the 26th. i shall will myself not to buy that phone before said date. i hope i have a high enough e.q. for this challenge. i could buy it now, but i shouldn't really be spending now. and i can't really afford it now. i don't even know why i'm buying this phone. this is the first time i'll be owning a cellphone that's not a clamshell or a flipphone. this one is really blockey and chunky, but i like it. when i held it, it was just the right weight. heavy enough for me to know that i'm holding/carrying something. i just don't know if it'll fit in the pockets of my pants. it'll probably look weird and bulky. but that's a minor thing. i'll just bring a really nice purse everywhere. or it could stay at my back pocket. or maybe not.
i need a proper vacation. somewhere i could be lazy. somewhere i could complain that i'm bored and listening to the trees would be enough to keep me occupied. and maybe that'll happen on the 26th. maybe i'll do that in one of the many islands scattering this country. anyway, i was close to having that kind of experience today. but i wasn't in the beach. but there were palm trees and much rustling of leaves. hot windy days are the best.
some random stuff. it's weird being asked for my sperm count. a lesbian friend asked me if i was willing to be a sperm donor. i don't think she was serious enough, but enough for my other friends to really consider it. please, no one ask me for my sperm again. i cannot just be a donor. i'm too controlling for that. i have to be part of the child's life. and i want to be a father and not just the sperm donor who visits once in a while. but really, i just don't want to be a father. that's too much of a responsibility. just like driving. other people's lives are at stake. and i can't handle that. well, not yet, anyway.
last year, i made a resolution that i would read at least one book a year. i never got to doing it until now. i'm not really pressuring myself. and i'm not really particular on what type of book i'm reading. right now, i'm on my fifth book. i'm currently reading another david sedaris book. his books are light reading. something you could read in one sitting. but i'm taking my time in finishing the book. there's no rush to finish it, anyway.
right now, i'm looking for this fantasy trilogy called the nightrunners by the author flynn flewelling. unfortunately, none of the bookstores here have it. i may have to ask for help from a friend and buy it for me through amazon. most of the reviews i've read are positive, but what really made me want to read this book are the two male lead characters. this is the first time i've heard of gay characters in a fantasy book and they're lead characters, too. so that should be interesting. hopefully the story is good enough.
if i don't find this book before i finish the david sedaris book, i'm going to buy a biographical one. i just don't know which life i'd like to read about. if i don't find anyone interesting enough, i'll buy any of the books by
alex sanchez. again, it's a trilogy. and it's gay lit. but i think it's meant for adolescents. i chanced upon those book at a different bookstore at serendra. hopefully, by the time i will buy it, they still have some on stock. maybe i should buy them now. we'll definitely consider this option. hrmm...