I miss you.

Mar 13, 2023 10:31

It's hard having someone leave you. Especially when they don't say goodbye.

How do you forgive them for that? And on the other side: How do you leave people who love you without saying goodbye?

The only thing I can say is possession. You were possessed by a Big Bad Guy like in superhero movies and your actions weren't actually yours.

That's what I figure happened. Because you left me. You left your fiancée and parents and siblings and all the friends who love you.

You don't even have the courtesy of haunting me. Rude.

I'm mad at you, because I'm hurt. But i also am sure that you were fighting that BBG to the last. Because you were fantastic. You never forgot that and you never let me forget that and i never will.

I miss you like crazy. I'm carrying on, because that's what needs to happen, but damn do I miss you. I want to text you and have you respond. I want to ask you what the hell happened and remind you that we love you - even when I'm complaining about my husband and child who won't sleep. I love that you're there to listen and help me feel better.

You always made me feel better. Even on my very very very worst days, I could rely on you. It's been two weeks. And I've missed you every day.

I've started texting your fiancée things I would have sent to you. She does the same. A tiny connection we made to help lessen the loss just a bit.

You don't know the gaping hole you left.

I shouldn't be mad at you, but I'm not there yet. Hopefully I can get there soon.

I miss the fuck outta you, dude.
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