On Jeans...

Nov 21, 2009 11:05

See, I've always maintained that a gentleman didn't need to buy expensive jeans in order to compliment his wardrobe - the idea of expensive examples of the working man's wear just seemed strange to me. Yet out there one can find $100, $200, hell, even $70 dollar jeans that are snatched up at an alarming rate, and worn by people as their primary pants-based dress.

And that's fine, I suppose - I mean, I own a pair of GAP jeans that I purchased on sale for $45 and a pair of Levis that I bought for $60... but neither of these pairs have come close in terms of enjoyment (from me anyway) than the pairs I usually buy. See, until the advent of Old Navy (a company famous with me for producing such unbelievably annoying commercials - yet quite nice jeans) I spent my jean-green on the cheapest possible varieties, typically from the Canadian Icon: Giant Tiger. For $10 I would get a pair which would last me a year at most, and when they wore out I didn't much care. And they were comfortable and looked rather decent.

These days I've stepped up my fashion sense slightly and buy either Levis Signature from Wal-Mart or Old Navy Straights from Old Navy. Both run into the $30 range, but both last much longer than my GT originals... but sometimes I find myself wishing I could enjoy those Jeans from my past... because while it's true that the clothes don't make the man, neither does the price.

Rugged, inexepsnive, and replaceable. That's what jeans are to me.
Not for the club...
If went to clubs.

clothes don't make the man, moving forward by moving back, his imperial highness

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