Something to believe in...

Sep 02, 2009 11:53

From cordilleran2
What do you believe in? Below are 25 things I believe in strongly... Now I'd like to know what you really believe to be true. Here's what I want you to do: Copy and paste this entire list onto a Facebook note (or Eljay entry), come up with your own list of 25 things, and post it for everyone to see.

1) I believe that of the major fruit-type flavours that banana-strawberry is by far the superior taste.
2) I believe that chocolate is good, but I much prefer caramel or butterscotch.
3) I believe that if you're going to have scotch, you don't waste your time with blended varieties like Johnnie Walker, you go straight for the single malt - and if you can help it, Highland Park.
4) I believe, and was taught from an early age, that decency and respect are not optional in the world, and that until someone proves that they are not worth your time, that you should act accordingly. It was my father who taught me this...
5) I believe that your father and your mother are people you listen to and show respect, they raised you and deserve to be remembered for that.
6) I believe that people who discount North American and European cars when discussing quality probably don't know what they're talking about.
7) I believe that if you're going to drink an alcoholic beverage that has some sort of tradition associated with it (wine glasses, port toasting, vomiting after whisky) that you don't half ass it.
8) I believe that a leather steering wheel adds to the driving experience and there's just nothing more to be said about that.
9) I believe that I prefer blondes to brunettes, redheads to blondes, and brunettes to redheads.
10) I believe that there may in fact be a bearded God upstairs looking down at all of us (or prehaps a reheaded one wearing a slinky dress), but regardless, I have to give Him/Her a lot more credit than most God-fearing peoples of the world, especially when it comes to the idea of infinite love and foresight...
11) I believe that dressing well, even for no particular reason, is important for a man who presumes and claims to be a gentleman.
12) I believe that Chivalry is only outdated in terms of the idea that ladies need pulling from towers and peasants need to be left in the mud...
13) I believe that the greatest guitarist of all time is Stevie Ray Vaughn and that while Eric Clapton is good, he is extremely over-rated.
14) I believe that there really isn't a problem with being masculine, or being a big, tough man - as long as you aren't a giant idiot about it and refrain from harming anyone with your masculinity.
15) I believe that knights are better than pirates, ninjas or vampires.
16) I believe that literature should have some sort of artistic merit and quality to it, and while it is fine to read books that lack this - claiming high quality in them is a sin.
17) I believe vinegar is sorely under-rated.
18) I believe that shoes should be well maintained and polished on a regular basis.
19) I believe that the Princess Bride is the single most perfect example of cinema in existence.
20) I believe in holding doors for ladies, as well as older people, younger people and people carrying boxes, heavy loads and the like.
21) I believe in being kind and polite to people in the service industry, and to lend a helping hand when someone is in trouble.
22) I believe that rough sex, involving bruises, bites, scratches, screaming, restraining, ripping and tearing of clothes, fighting, yelling and (faux) anger is by far the best sex here is.
23) I believe in standing up for what is right.
24) I believe that intellect and cleverness combined with wit are among the most valued traits there can be.
25) I believe that there isn't a whole heck of a lot in this world that needs to be taken seriously at every moment of the day.

if it's good enough for my mom..., clothes don't make the man, carving zeds, calm-am-it-tea, and to all a good knight, his imperial highness, pompous tomfoolery, câlice tabernac ostie, meme-pires, profound-ity, clothes make the man

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