Nov 23, 2010 11:40
In looking at my user pics it's probably time I find a new one. I notice these days that most of my online pics are out of date. I lost my beloved mohawk after the surgery. And now I'm starting life afresh in Canberra so I need to figure out work and don't know when I'll have one again.
Life is different these days. I have a lovely boy that means the world to me. I've never really dated anyone that had a personality like mine. It's been interesting. We agree on everything. And in any personality traits that are different he's my match the other half I needed. A strange new experience, I'm sure we'd drive everyone mad. Both of us are looking forward to our new unit just cause we can have order. Lots of lovely order. Labels on boxes and hooks things go back on. Seems like it takes army training to become as obsessive as I am about my things. My room for me always represents my mind, my life is in turmoil my room is trashed. That I'm looking forward to sharing a 1 bed unit again with another person shows to me how much I've let him into my mind. Going camping together was interesting. We'd get tasks done so quickly working together, not much talking about what needed to be done because we both just saw it and unspeaking split the tasks.
My brain is back thinking about marriage these days but for so very a different reason then I have in the past. these days it's because the idea of not waking up next to him is wrong. In such a short time he's come to mean nearly everything to me. I'm still surprised at myself. I've packed up my entire life just to move to him. To spend each day next to each other. This is a me I've never meet before. I know parts of it, the parts I thought others had killed, my dreamer and hopeless romantic self.
I asked him as we walked along an empty beach what he'd given up on having in life because some dreams you can't achieve. His reply was "this, to see something and have someone beside you to share it with and now I have" and I have to agree. You can see so many amazing things but nothing compares to being able to say "it's beautiful" and have the person beside you simply say "yes".