Well I'm tired, bored, and upset, so here's a survey.
Who do you consider to be...Your best friend:Rebecca Francis Elwell Why?:b/c i love her! The person you prefer to hang out with when feeling blue:Pat gives me hugs but- I guess I'd say...Rhonda. The person you prefer to hang out with when feeling hyper:PAIGE! bwuahahah The person you hate most:Tori B. *sorry i had to tell the truth- your always telling me im SUCH a liar* Why?:she knows. *sometimes i just want to scream Your most effective teacher (in school or otherwise):I guess...Fitz. if i must admit it. Your least effective teacher:omg Mrs. Studulis. Why?:cause shes freakin random and stupid as anything. Your favorite relative:Aunt Sheila. The most annoying person in your life:Joe Hernandez lol The funniest friend you have:Bec lol The most depressed friend you have:pshht iunno. What do you do to curb their depression:helloo! i dont even know who it is. Your smartest friend:Jess A. or Paige B. Your most beautiful (M/F) friend:Matthew! :D Your oldest friend:oldest as in known the longest? K. McGrath...oldest as in age? hmm...Candy? Your youngest friend:Erin! shes 2! hahah Relationships are...Funny when...:we laugh. Hard when...:things so wrong. Disgusting when...:ppl make stupid perverted jokes about POPSICLES! hahah Hurtful when...:friends lie. Useless when...:nothing happens. Wonderful when...:everything happens. :D Tiring when...:people piss me off. Fun when...:we all hang out and have a good time...chorus free days ; ) Remembered when...:memories happen. Write the name of the person you most associate with the following words.Thunder:Matt! lol!! Blood:Sam Ward lol he bled all over his gym uniform eeeww Rain:Sam n Meera lol Roses:Jess n Rob :-* Dog:Caroline n Ana Birthday cake:pshht Becky! POKEMON!! Concert:Val n Tori Nightmare:Will. Floating:Kristin hahah floating nests! Chained:pshhht Sam. Fruit punch:iunno Piggy back:haha kristy. Airplane:me by myself lol Horse:britt n cat. Love:i love all my friends! :-* Hate:Tori. Understand:Rhonda. Kindness:Jaims. Acceptance:Lauren Muir Lover:hahaha i think i'd say Matt cause he's just that sexy. Fight:Tori. Fresh:haha paige S. Wild:Sam or Paige B. Brat:Paige S. Intelligent:Carl Suave:haha- umm- Pat lol. Giggly:Me n Eric lol Running:Jaims n Christian Did you like this survey?:yeaaah man lol
Friendship (Un)Limited brought to you by