Writing this at half nine on a Sunday evening means it will probably go for nothing, but it's in my head, and kind of important.
I spent much of th eweekend in Rye, and specifically
the Queens Head, and it was splendid. Given the folks involved, I expected no less, but it really is an excellent pub - good booze, good food, and good people.
What I wanted to say is how awesome it is that my friends have created this wonderful thing out of promising but difficult material, and at the end of a lot of damned hard work, it's there. So much of life, including my own projects, came to naught or half a page of scribbled lines, so to see something so ambitious brought to fruition (even if there is more to do), is great.
Beyond that, of course there is the fact that other people like it - people we've never met, people who were just passing and heard the music, people who fancied a pint. I sat in the bar on Sunday afternoon, and a couple came in who had just hiked from Hastings (about 15 miles), and were ready for a pint. They were there for about three hours, and came away the happiest of campers. That's what a pub should do, and that I know people who have made one makes me very proud and happy.
In some ways it's easier to talk to strangers about this when it's my friends doing rather than my own. Bigging up my own achievements feels wrong, and I hedge them with qualificiations. But when it's my friends, I can say with a whole heart that they have created something wonderful, and that yes, they are awesome.
So - my congratulations to
cyrus_ii, and everyone else involved with the project - I wish you every success.