Some shit I've been thinking about for the past few years has actually already been written about.
Determinism. I didn't come up with that name. Just the concept. Only I just found out that the subject has obviously already been written about to hell and back and has been run into the ground. But it's cool sometimes to find out that some shit you "came up with" is supported by other people who are generally accepted as "smart".
Here's the Wikipedia definition of the concept.
Determinism Basically I'm saying that everything that has happened, is happening and will happen is set. There is only one possible outcome for any "choice" or "random" event. From the moment of the big bang everything was set into motion that would lead to you reading this right now. Not just you sitting here reading this but your exact position in your chair, the color of your socks, how big your ears are, the amount of crap you have under the couch, the particular shape of that crap in your lava lamp right now, everything.
It's like an extreme look at causality.
Any choice you make is based on your personality weighing the options that you seem to have from your environment. But the things around you are the way they are for a large number of reasons and you are, psychologically and emotionally, the way you are because of an almost infinite number of variables that are so complex, minute, and numerous as to be ineffable or unknowable.
It's that complexity and interaction of trillions upon trillions of unfathomable variables that have been happening since the universe began to explode outward that gives us the illusion of choas, randomness and free will.
Now, let me make something clear.
I am NOT talking about fate. Fuck fate. I don't believe in it. What I'm talking about is the opposite of fate. Fate would say that you were meant to be sitting here reading this. Therefore all the past occurances that have led you to this moment happened for the purpose of bringing this moment about. That's working backwards. I'm saying that the past happened and because of that the present is happening and because of all this the future will happen. We don't know what is going to happen in the future because there is no way we can know all the variables. Perfect knowledge of the universe and everything in it that is and ever was, however, would allow us to predict everything about any point in the future.
But I'm not trying to predict the future. I'm just saying there is no free will and there is no chaos, no randomness, only the illusion of chaotic free will.
Well now that I've sort of cleared up my thoughts on the matter (hopefully), I'm interested in what the people that I respect most have to say about it.
(that's you guys)