Aug 31, 2005 19:47
I don't give a fuck about gas.
I want my grandparents to have a house to go back to...I want Biloxi back.
I lived there and grew up there and fled there when things got rough in my life.
Now it's gone. I'm so tired, I've been crying on and off.
Next time you complain about gas, just remember some people have lost alot more than an half dollar a gallon at the pump.
And New Orleans?
There IS no New Orleans anymore. It had more people in it than Atlanta and all of it's suburbs. And now it's a lake. The levies holding back the water have never been broken before. Nobody knows what to do. Even if they get repaired, you have to pump millions upon millions of gallons of water out of the area. And even THEN, there won't be anything left but rubble and sewage.
One last thing.
If there are any doubts about whether or not global warming is a problem, dispel them now. Global warming means warmer oceans, and warmer oceans?
Stronger hurricanes.
I have never felt like a Southerner before. For the first time in my adult life, I truly do.
I'm so tired.